Saturday, July 02, 2005

Who dunnit

Who do you think is the most infuencial person in business today. Please post your comments...


At Mon Jul 04, 04:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude..

There are 2 sides to this question you've raised - One is the man most influencing business in business and the other being the man most influencing business from outside the sphere of business.

For the former, its virtually impossible to point out one person. The following business men have captivated my imagination (in no particular order):

1. Sam Walton- he changed the way people buy everyday items and brought a totally new dimension to retailing through his Wal-Mart chain of stores.

2. Sir Richard Branson - the person whom I most adore, admire, respect, worship, you name it. Arguably the World's greatest billionaire and one of the richest men in Britain - Branson brings a certain flamboyancy to business which most cannot. He has influenced business community by giving rise to the spirit of entrepreneurship.

3. Bill Gates - I dont need to say more about this gentleman. Over the past 25 years, technology was the industry of choice for many of the top business people, and no one more than Bill Gates exemplifies the explosion of this realm.

4. Jeff Bezos - Showed the world that the Internet can be used as a medium to market products and earn money. His gave birth to online shopping.

5. Rupert Murdoch - the masses were craving for information and entertainment and this gentleman brought it to their living rooms. The Star Network in Asia, BSkyB in England, Fox TV and 20th Century Fox in the US, most newspapers in UK, Australia and the US, Rupert Murdoch is the greatest media moghul in the world and his News Corp is the world's largest media enterprise.

Person out of business:

George.W.Bush - The man who everyone loves to hate, the current US President has to be credited with supporting the Business Process Outsourcing movement which has brought great economic relief to many developing Nations.

And besides him, anyone who is the President of the United States weilds unimaginable control over the business scene across the globe.

At Sun Jul 10, 01:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure its not the man in the picture...may be I am.

At Fri Jul 15, 02:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol..i think it is the man in the picture, he's very cunning and devishly handsome.


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